Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Review: FriendFinder

FriendFinder is a general-purpose dating site which is not targeted at any specific individuals.

This basically means two things: You won't necessarily find somebody with your exact interests (as they may be on other sites), but you stand a better chance of finding somebody with interests at least in the area of yours, as there are far more people (and thus opportunities) present on this site.

offers both free and paid services, with the free services limiting you to certain actions.

The registration process begins just as most others, with filling out a basic profile. I found the amount of information they requested to be about average: not too long and daunting or boring, and not too short and limited, either. It took me about 30 minutes to fill out my profile while doing other things.

After that, there is an opportunity to sign up for premium services, which I do recommend everybody do, as the free option is rather limiting.

As far as finding people, the search and browse features make it easy to limit people by many criteria, including location, gender, and age, as well as some others. There was a nice selection for my area and interests, and I found myself intrigued by many of the profiles, and I ended up wasting about an hour and a half sending messages to random people.

Within the week, I had received a response back from all but three people (out of the twenty I initially contacted). I currently have two dates over the next week, and one more after that.

While not for everybody, FriendFinder makes it easy to find some interesting people in your area who share similar interests and meet the qualities you seek. I encourage many of my friends to sign up these days with my recent success. I'll try to keep you updated as to how my adventures go.

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